Got Water Damage Ogden Concerns?

download (6)If you are an Everyone Forever Now reader and have concerns regarding the issue of water damage Ogden then this is the post for you. If you do have this concern then you either live in Ogden or know someone who lives in Ogden. Moreover, you most likely either own a property that is susceptible to water damage (or know of a property that fits this description). The property in question fits this description because it is located on a flood plain or a low lying area where water can pool. Perhaps the roof is leaky and rain is a problem. Or perhaps the plumbing is old and you are worried about a leaking pipe.


This is a problem that must be dealt with. Water damage to a house or other structure can seriously impact its structural integrity and overall value. Water damage can also introduce and spread unhealthy mold inside a house. If this situation is not dealt with immediately it can grow and spread. Mold can cause any number of respiratory and other health problems. If mold is not removed quickly it will ultimately become a very, very expensive situation to remedy.

Accordingly, if you or someone you know has a house that has incurred water damage it is very important that the situation be dealt with immediately. This includes hiring a crew to come out to the house and inspect the damage caused by the water. This crew can then decide what steps need to be taken to mitigate and fix the damage caused by the water. The first step will likely involve removing any water that is in the house. The next step will likely involve drying out the house with fans and dehumidifiers. Finally, any part of the house that requires removal such as drywall and carpeting can be removed and replaced.

Flood Insurance and Water Damage Bountiful

Noahs_ArkIt is no surprise that few members of the Everyone Forever Now Blog reading community know that a regular home owners insurance policy usually will not cover water damage Bountiful if said water damage was caused by a flood. It is true and it it is important to be aware of this fact if the house that you own is located on a flood plane or some other area that could potentially be impacted by a flood. If your house is damaged by a flood and you do not have a separate flood insurance policy you may be liable for all the costs associated with cleaning up and or fixing the damage that was caused by the flood.


There are many reasons why most home owners insurance policies do not cover damage that was caused by a flood. The most important reason is because flood damage is too great a risk to underwrite. When a flood happens it destroys many properties in the same area. Many insurance companies write property insurance policies in specific areas. Because of these reasons insurance companies are reluctant to cover this risk because although the chance of a flood actually occurring is  rare, when it does happen it could be too much for the company’s financial reserves to cover.

For this reason flood insurance policies are typically separate policies from a home owners policy. Moreover, flood insurance is almost always underwritten by the U. S. government under the national flood insurance program. The reason why the U. S. government is in a better position to underwrite these policies is because (1) it will be dealing with a larger pool of policy holders which spreads the risk better and (2) the U. S. government has access to a larger pool of cash and would not potentially be put out of business the way an insurance company might.

Let’s Talk Water Damage Ogden

The loyal readers of the Everyone Forever Now Blog have been clamoring for some time now for an article on the issue of water damage Ogden. The reason for this should be obvious to all. For the sake of clarity and documentation, however, we shall clearly articulate the reason for the aforementioned clamoring. Once clearly articulated this article shall serve to inform the generations of Everyone Forever Now Blog readers as to the reason for said clamoring. Before we get to the articulation of this reason it certainly makes sense to point out the relation between this topic and the very name of this blog.

The Relation Between Water Damage Ogden and Everyone Forever Now

The word “Everyone” means every person who has ever lived, is currently living and who will ever live in the future. The word “Forever” means all time going forward until the end of time. The word “Now” means the current moment in time that is presently being experienced. The word “Everyone” encompasses a very large population. The word “Forever” encompasses a very expansive amount of time. By contrast, the word “Now” encompasses a very miniscule and fleeting segment of time. When the words “Everyone” and “Forever” and “Now” are put together the way they are in the title of this blog there results a very strange and thought provoking juxtaposition.

It is this very juxtaposition that gives us insight into the connection between the reason for the aforementioned clamoring for an article on the issue of water damage in the Ogden region and the title “Everyone Forever Now.” The insight referred to is the knowledge that water, although a key ingredient for life, can also be a very effective instrument of death. In this we see another juxtaposition of quite another stripe. So there we have it. Comments are welcome.