Professional Movers

Guide for Decluttering Before Calling Movers in Kansas City

Moving to a new home or workspace is a significant milestone filled with excitement and anticipation. However, moving can also be overwhelming when you realize how much belongings you’ve accumulated over the years.

That’s where decluttering comes in. Decluttering is a crucial step to take before calling a mover in Kansas City. Among many benefits, proper decluttering makes your move smoother. Specifically, it saves you time, money, and the stress of moving too many belongings from one location to another. Furthermore, decluttering ensures you start your new chapter with a fresh and organized space.

But how exactly do you declutter? This article provides a comprehensive guide to help you declutter effectively and make your move hassle-free.

How to Declutter Before Calling a Moving Company

There are various steps to follow when trying to declutter in preparation for a move to your new home or space. When you properly declutter beforehand, it will be easier for movers in Kansas City to transport your property without delay. Here are some of the steps to follow when decluttering:

#1. Start Early

Procrastination is the enemy when it comes to decluttering. Begin the process well in advance of your planned move. Give yourself at least a few weeks or even months, depending on the size of your home and the amount of clutter. Starting early allows you to tackle one area at a time, reducing stress and ensuring you don’t get overwhelmed.

#2. Assess Your Belongings

The first step in decluttering is to critically examine your belongings. Create three categories: Keep, Donate/Sell, and Dispose. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and use. If you haven’t used an item in over a year or it no longer serves a purpose, it might be time to part with it.

#3. Room-by-Room Approach

Decluttering can feel less overwhelming when you break it down by room. Start with one room and complete it before moving on to the next. Begin with areas that accumulate more clutter, such as the attic, basement, or garage. As you progress through each room, consider the following questions:

  • Do I use this item regularly?
  • Does it hold sentimental value?
  • Can it be easily replaced if needed?
  • Is it in good condition?

#4. Donate or Sell Unwanted Items

Many items that you no longer need can find a new home with someone else. Consider donating gently used clothing, furniture, and household items to local charities or thrift stores. You can also host a garage sale or list items for sale online to make some extra cash to offset moving costs.

#5. Dispose of Unsalvageable Items

Items that are no longer in usable condition should be disposed of properly. Check your local regulations for disposing of electronics, hazardous materials, or large appliances. Rent a dumpster if needed, but follow local waste disposal guidelines.

#6. Digitize Paperwork

Reduce the clutter of paper documents by scanning and storing them digitally. You can securely store important documents like financial records, medical records, and personal files on your computer. This reduces physical clutter and ensures your important information is easily accessible during and after the move.

#7. Organize and Pack Efficiently

As you declutter and decide what to keep, organize your items into categories and label boxes accordingly. This will make unpacking in your new home much easier. Use clear plastic bins for items you’ll need immediate access, such as toiletries, kitchen essentials, and important documents.

#8. Stay Positive and Reward Yourself

The entire process of decluttering can be stressful. As such, you must stay positive and focus on the exciting aspects of your new journey. As you complete each decluttering milestone, reward yourself with a treat or a small celebration. This can help keep you motivated and reduce stress

#9. Seek Professional Help

If the thought of decluttering and organizing is overwhelming, consider enlisting the help of a moving company in Kansas City that offers decluttering services. These experts can provide guidance, motivation, and efficient solutions for your situation. They can help you make tough decisions and streamline the decluttering process.

Bottom Line

Decluttering before calling movers in Kansas City is vital in ensuring a smooth and efficient move to your new home. However, you can always hire a moving company in Kansas City that provides decluttering services. This will save you the stress of having to declutter yourself.