Everyone Obtain a Drum Pump Forever Now!

On this day, in the words of this very blog post, we command all of our readers to obtain a drum pump at this very moment (or as soon as practicable) and to keep it forever (or until death do you part). We make this commandment not out of some lust for power or to make a profit off of the products you purchase. Indeed we have no real connection to either the drum or pump manufacturing and selling industries. So why then do we place this burden unto you gentle reader? What is in it for us?


These are two very good questions you just asked. They demonstrate that you have a mind of your own and are not simply content to follow every command that you are given like some kind of robot. On the other hand these questions you ask also demonstrate that you are not necessarily rebellious and are willing to submit to a command if it is given from a place of good faith and reason. Therefore, gentle reader, because of the good faith on your own part that you have demonstrate through these two very important and reasonable questions you have asked we shall grant your petition and answer them.

Why do we issue this commandment and what do we stand to benefit therefrom? We make this commandment from a place of compassion. We realize that you are in possession of industrial drums filled with vital fluids. We further realize that you have no efficient way of extracting said vital fluids. Therefore we command you to purchase a pump so that extracting those vital fluids becomes an easy process for you. Now, what is in it for us? Very simply, we experience joy when we see that a burden in your existence has been lifted.

Everyone is Making Use of Park City Taxi

For some time now we have been receiving multiple reports that quite literally everyone is making use of Park City taxi both now and by all indications will continue to do so forever. The reason behind this observation is obvious. That is, when people (i. e., everyone) needs a mode of transportation to convey them from where ever they are to down town Park City (or any other location within the municipal limits of Park City) they make use of the aforementioned conveyance because it is the most efficient and convenient of all the choices available to them.


The taxi service within Park City is efficient for numerous reasons. First of all, this conveyance is efficient because its fleet of vehicles is updated on a regular basis. This means all the cars in the fleet are fuel efficient. Some are even hybrid which provides an additional savings on fuel consumption. Moreover, this conveyance is efficient because one vehicle can provide transportation to multiple people. Obviously, this makes the service more efficient that all people wishing to transport themselves to locations within Park City using their numerous privately owned vehicles, all of which require fueling and parking spaces.

The taxi service within Park City is also convenient. After all, who wants to drive their own car to down town Park City when they can hire a cab to do it for them? The simple answer is that no one wants this. And the reason for this answer is that driving your own car to down town Park City is most decidedly inconvenient. This is true for many reasons. First, driving a car is costly because a driver must purchase fuel and pay for parking, not to mention maintenance and depreciation. Second, the very act of finding parking can prove itself to be an inconvenient experience.